December 9, 2020

The results of the #US #elections turned out to be one of the most favorable scenarios for the #market. There was no #BlueWave: a Republican majority in the Senate should ensure that #Trump's pro-business policies remain intact (tax code, deregulation) while with a #Biden presidency we should expect an easing of the trade war (which should boost global trade growth and corporate profits).

Particularly for the large #tech sector, we believe that in addition with Republicans maintaining control of the Senate the Democratic initiative to push anti-competitive regulation, such as the one proposed last month by a #Democrat panel to break up the tech giants, is reduced, as is the possibility of an eventual tax increase by Biden. What history shows is that a divided Congress is generally good for stocks and that a Democrat in the White House has also historically been positive for stocks. (Humberto Mora, Senior Investment Strategist, FYNSA).
