Noviembre 26, 2021 - < 1 min

Renewable Energy: Rockville secures US$120 million in financing

To acquire six photovoltaic plants


Chilean group Rockville Capital, through Rockville Energy Holdings, obtained a US$100 million senior secured credit facility from Natixis to develop and acquire a portfolio of six photovoltaic plants in Chile under the small means of distributed generation (PMGD) regime. The projects have a combined installed capacity of 140 MW.

At the same time, Rockville Energy Holdings received a loan from the Banco de Inversión y Comercio Exterior (BICE) for US$20 million to finance the Value Added Tax (VAT) associated with the projects.

FYNSA manages the Rockville Solar Energy Investment Fund, which aims to invest in equity and/or debt securities issued by Rockville Energy Holdings.