Green economy
Diciembre 17, 2021 - < 1 min

Green H2 projects continue

Another new project adds to the long list of initiatives to produce green hydrogen in Chile


Plans to produce green hydrogen in Chile continue to move forward. France's Total Eren announced that it is initiating studies for a large-scale green hydrogen manufacturing project in the town of San Gregorio, in the Magallanes region. The company has already secured the availability of land for the project and access to the sea. It has also signed an agreement with the University of Magallanes to collaborate in carrying out the project's environmental impact study, among other points. Total Eren's project considers the construction of a wind farm, a water desalination plant and an electrolysis complex to produce green hydrogen. It could reach a wind power generation capacity of up to 10 GW (almost 13 times more than the largest wind farm under construction in Chile, Colbun's Horizonte) to produce up to 800,000 tons per year of green hydrogen. (More information on the project at

This project is in addition to the one that the HIF consortium is also building in Magallanes to produce green hydrogen and from there synthetic fuels by capturing CO2 from the atmosphere, and to more than 60 projects that are in different phases of study or processing, both to produce green hydrogen from wind and solar energy, according to the Ministry of Energy.