March 4, 2022

At FYNSA we want to help our community understand the main events that affect us that affect us, facilitating their analysis and, especially, by offering the context in which they take place. The Russia's invasion of Ukraine is undoubtedly the most important the most important event in decades .. To shed light on the conflict, we organized a webinar in which the journalist and Magdalena Guzmán, a UC political scientist Magdalena Guzmán put into historical, political and human perspective this conflict in historical, political and human perspective.

Here are some of the the main points made by Magdalena, who presented by Magdalena, who already last year gave an interesting webinar in which she profiled the protagonist of the current drama, Vladimir Putin.

What are the reasons for the invasion? Many, but the most important one is that Putin is unwilling to see Ukraine move closer to the West and leave Russia's sphere of influence, as has happened with many of the European countries that were once in the orbit of the Soviet Union. Soviet Union.

What happened? The Ukrainian resistancemagnified by the social networks, has been determined and determined and fierce. This Putin did not expect it. Nor did he expect the West's response. Westwhich has united in its opposition to the opposition to the invasionnor the prominence taken by the Ukrainian Ukrainian President. Volodymir Zelensky represents all that Putin is notHe is a young, charismatic leader who embodies everything that the political class is not. His role is that of an ordinary man, willing to put himself on the line for his people. He has managed to unite the population of Ukrainewhich has complicated things for Putin. Putin. And Europe's swift and forceful response Europe has helped Ukraine to resist.

The The harshness of the economic sanctions and their effects and their effects have also been greater than expected and are having an are taking effect, with a strongwith a sharp devaluation of the ruble devaluation of the ruble. The WestWest, meanwhile, has cohesion vis-à-vis Russiaan effect contrary to that sought by Putin. Putin.

What to expect? We are not sure what Putin thinks, although he seems willing to let Ukraine sink rather than allow it to enter the West's sphere of influence. seems willing to let Ukraine sink rather than allow it to enter the West's zone of influence.. We could be facing a short warin a scenario in which Putin could fall due to the discomfort of the oligarchy, hard hit by the economic response of the West.

Or it could be a long warin which Putin does not give inand assume the enormous costs that such a scenario would entail. For Putinthe interest in keeping Ukraine within its sphere of influence is more important than economic considerations.

In any case, the changes in the world order are already being felt and the repercussions will be profound, the changes in the world order are already being felt and the repercussions will be profound.