Green economy
Agosto 4, 2022 - < 1 min

Towards a billion trees

This amount of trees would absorb between a quarter and a half of the CO2 emitted by humans to date.


One of the causes of climate change is deforestation deforestation. Therefore, campaigns to recover forests and grasslands are a fundamental part of the strategy to combat global warming.

According to the According to the NGO Plant-for-the-planet, the world has lost half of its forests since human since the human breakthrough, going from six trillion (million million) from six trillion (million million million) trees to just three trillion. Latin AmericaLatin America, however, is by far the most forested region in the world, with almost one billion hectares.

Plant-for-the planet estimates that it is possible to recover a trillion trees without competing with agriculture and human settlements. without competing with agriculture and human settlements. This number of trees would would absorb between a quarter and a half of the CO2 emitted by humans to date.. To this end, it has initiated a program focused on educating children and adolescents about the recovery of forests and a global reforestation plan to achieve this goal.

Where it has made the most progress is in Yucatán, Mexico, where the program has planted 8.3 million trees since its inception in 2015. The NGO's plan in Mexico is to plant 100 million trees. You can see more here.

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