Junio 23, 2023 - < 1 min

In which OECD country do people work the longest hours?


Last April saw the enactment of the law that will gradually reduce the working day in Chile, which in five years' time will be 40 hours a week. In this context, in which OECD country do people work longer hours?


Mexico. As can be seen in this graph from Visual Capitalist, based on OECD data for 2022, Mexico is the OECD country with the longest working hours, with 2,128 hours per year, while Germany has the shortest working hours, with 1,349 hours per year. Germany, on the other hand, is the country where people work the least hours, with 1,349 hours per year. How can one of the most advanced economies on the planet have such a short working day compared to Mexico and other Latin American countries? Productivity is the title of the song. In Chile, meanwhile, 1,916 hours are worked per year, according to the graph.