Mayo 12, 2023 - < 1 min

Best countries to start a business

The UAE's success in first place responds to recent government initiatives and the efforts of all those involved in the entrepreneurship ecosystem.


Which country offers the best conditions for starting a business? According to the latest edition of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) - a consortium of teams from different countries, led by universities and business schools - the United Arab Emirates (UAE) repeats the dish in the 2022/2033 study.

The Arab nation ranked first in seven of the 13 main criteria considered for the ranking:

  • Existence of venture financing
  • Easy access to financing
  • Government support: existence of public policies to promote and support startups
  • Taxes and bureaucracy
  • Tertiary business education offerings
  • Research and development transfers
  • Quality services for commercial and professional needs

The UAE has made a big jump in the rankings in recent years. In the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 rankings the country ranked fifth, jumping to first in 2020/2021.

These results respond to the success of recent government initiatives and the efforts of all those involved in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, explains Teemu Kautonen, professor at the United Arab Emirates University and leader of the local research group, in the report.a professor at the United Arab Emirates University and leader of the local research group. He highlights the recently launched 50 Projects plan, which focuses on development priorities for the next 50 years.

The Latin American countries ranked in the second half of the list. The best positioned is Colombia, in 28th place, followed by Chile and Uruguay.

You can see the study at https://gemconsortium.org/report/20222023-global-entrepreneurship-monitor-global-report-adapting-to-a-new-normal-2