Personal life
January 20, 2023 - 2 min

What books do business leaders recommend for 2023?

We selected three from a list of 52 books that business leaders recommend reading in 2023.


At the end of 2022 Bloomberg published a list of the 52 books that business leaders recommend reading in 2023. From the list, we selected the recommendations of Mohamed El-Erian, Sir Howard Davies and Oliver Blume .

  1. It's about the compelling story of venture capital and how it has changed the world. It is a journey full of innovative people, disruptive firms and powerful ideas. Available in English on Amazon, Buscalibre, Goggle Play (ebook and audiobook) and Apple Store (audiobook), among other sites.

  2. A strange novel about money in which the author understands the dynamics of the market. Interesting from a technical point of view, brilliantly written, with a Russian doll style plot that keeps us reading and guessing. Diaz is an Argentine writer based in the United States. The novel was written in English, but a Spanish version is expected in the second quarter of the year, as well as an HBO adaptation in 2024.

  3. A continuation of a podcast by Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen; an open and inspiring discussion between two old friends. It is striking how they talk about different ways of looking at the "pursuit of happiness"; how political and social prejudices can be overcome and how to promote equal opportunity. The conversation is full of inspiring ideas that deserve further reflection and encourages us to look forward with positivity, even in times of political and economic uncertainty. Available in Spanish on Amazon.