August 4, 2023 - 2 min

What are the technologies that carry it?

McKinsey Technology Council analyzes which new technologies are gaining attention among investors.


In 2023, when you think of technology, you think of artificial intelligence, especially generative artificial intelligence, a la ChatGPT. But, according to a recent McKinsey Technology Council Outlook 2023, there are other technologies that are in full deployment today that will have a significant impact on business and social development. The study is based on an analysis of quantitative measures of the interest in these technologies, their innovative component and the investments they are attracting.

Obviously, generative AI is high on the list, given its potential to take assistive technology to a new level, reducing the time required for application development and providing powerful capabilities to non-tech users. It is estimated that generative AI will contribute as much as US$4.4 billion in economic value through its use in both specific applications and in more diffuse areas that will increase productivity.

What other technologies have attracted the attention of investors? The so-called trust architecturewhich seeks to prevent data breaches based on network architectures that eliminate the concept of trust within the network. Along the same lines, digital identity technologies are also on the rise.

Along with the ever-increasing use of the cloud to store data, Edge Computing technologies Edge Computing technologies have also seen a continuous process of innovation that promises double-digit growth over the next five years.. But what is Edge Computing? It is basically technologies that allow operating at the edge of the network, i.e. bringing the data processing power as close as possible to where the data is being generated. This technology is vital for processes, such as many in the so-called internet of things, where a millisecond difference in data access is critical.

Another technology that, although still in its early stages, promises great value creation is the so-called quantum computing, a branch of computing that relies on the principles of superposition of matter and quantum entanglement to develop a different kind of computing than traditional computing. quantum computing, a branch of computer science that relies on the principles of superposition of matter and quantum entanglement to develop computing that is different from traditional computing. The main industries that would benefit from this technology-automotive, chemical, financial services and life sciences-could gain US$1.3 billion in value by 2035 through its development and implementation.

These are the 15 technologies that are setting trends, according to McKinsey Technology Council:

You can see the complete study here