Double coffee
February 17, 2023 - 3 min

The artificial economist

AI may replace some jobs in the future. The challenge for society is how to help the workers who may be displaced by this


During the last few weeks, it has been fashionable to talk about. "ChatGPT", an artificial intelligence (AI) platform that is capable of generating natural language. Developed by OpenAI, it uses machine learning techniques to produce coherent and relevant answers to questions and written messages.

The model is trained on large text datasets to learn patterns and linguistic structureswhich allows it to understand and and generate human language effectively..

ChatGPT works by predicting the most likely word or phrase to follow a given input, allowing you to generate a smooth and consistent response in real time.This allows you to generate a smooth and consistent response in real time.

While AI has been in our lives for a long time, ChatGPT and similar tools have made an impact by being able to so plausibly replace something we thought was only inherent in human-to-human interaction. have made an impact by being able to so plausibly replace something we thought was only inherent to human-to-human interaction.

Thus, the potential of AI has once again come to the forefront of public discussion. the potential of AI to collaborate and, eventually, replace jobs that today depend on people and their training and their training, experience and ability to deal with complex problems.

Artificial intelligence has advanced enormously in recent years, and its ability to perform difficult tasks has improved significantly. As a result, it is expected to have a significant significant impact on the future of work.. In this sense, it is possible that AI will replace some of them in the future.


Here are some examples of how AI can replace jobs in different areas:


  • Manufacturing works: Lhe AI can control robots on the production line, enabling higher efficiency and faster production.This allows for greater efficiency and faster production.


  • Customer service jobs: AI can provide automated answers to common questions. Instead of having a human being dedicated to answering every question, AI can do so more quickly and accurately.


  • Driving jobs: AI is already being used in autonomous vehicle driving. In the future, it is possible that trucks, buses and other large vehicles will be driven by AI instead of humans.


  • Data analysis jobs: AI can process large amounts of data and perform complex analyses. This can replace workers who perform these in companies and organizations.


  • Work in the healthcare field: AI is already used in some medical tasks, such as disease detection and medical image interpretation. In the future, it is possible that AI will replace some workers in this field.


The challenge for society is how to deal with the displacement of workers due to automation and AI. the displacement of workers due to automation and AI.. Unemployment and economic inequality may increase as more jobs are replaced. Therefore, it is important for societies to consider ways to support these workers. Some possible solutions include:


  • Training and retraining: Companies can offer programs to help workers acquire new skills and prepare for jobs in areas where workers are needed. skills and prepare for jobs in areas where workers are needed.


  • Universal basic income: It has been proposed that societies implement a universal basic income to ensure that all citizens have an economic basis for subsistence, regardless of whether they have a job or not.


  • Work sharing: Partnerships can considerr sharing of available work so that more people so that more people have access to employment.


  • Change in the education system: Societies can consider a change in the education system to ensure that workers are prepared for the jobs of the future and the skills needed for the digital economy. workers are prepared for the jobs of the future and the skills needed for the digital economy.


In conclusion, AI may replace some jobs in the future. The challenge for society is how to help workers who are displaced by AI and ensure that everyone has access to an adequate occupation and income. Considering that the column you just read is 90% written by an AI[1], this economist is starting to get nervous.


Nathan Pincheira

Chief Economist of Fynsa