April 29, 2022 - 2 min

What does supply chain congestion look like from space?

Satellite image of Shanghai area shows bottleneck affecting global trade


Your company's supplies are not where they need to be.. The purchase you made online takes weeks to arrive. The furniture store tells you that the delivery time for your sofa will be fifteen days. These are just a few of the inconveniences that businesses and consumers have been suffering since the pandemic of Covid pandemic pandemic took hold in our lives and the collapse of the global supply chain.. At the end of 2021, the images of hundreds of ships waiting to disembark of hundreds of ships waiting to disembark the U.S. West Coast ports. U.S. West Coast. Now it is the ports of ShanghaiChina's largest city, which faced drastic quarantines between March and April due to a Covid outbreak. The result is hundreds of ships waiting to disembark (as of April 19, there were more than 470 ships)..

VisualCapitalist's image, taken by the Sentinel 1 satellite on April 14, looks like a photo from space. But it is not: each white dot, instead of being a star, is a ship.

The big bottleneck is on the ground. In April it was estimated that about 90% of the trucks transporting imports and exports were out of service. 90% of trucks carrying imports and exports were out of service, due to quarantines and mobility restrictions in the Chinese city.due to quarantines and mobility restrictions in the Chinese city.

Shanghai area port activity has picked up in April, but is still well below the levels of early March.. Shanghai's port system handles about 20% of China's containerized exports. 20% of China's containerized exports through the Shanghai port system.. It is not yet clear when the situation, which could become the worst global supply chain crisis since the start of the pandemic, will normalize.