Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrockthe world's largest mutual fund manager, expects an investment boom in infrastructure boom in investments in infrastructure related to renewable energy and clean technology.. In a presentation with analysts on Blackrock's first-quarter results, Fink noted that the war in Ukraine is driving a significant increase in the production of conventional energy resources in the near term, but that the war event is also driving attention in many parts of the world toward the development of longer-term greener energy sources. "The opportunity is going to be great and it's going to be around for many years to come,"he said.
In his annual letter to Blackrock shareholders earlier this year, Fink noted that the next 1,000 unicorns (startups with a market value of more than $1 billion before going public) will be companies focused on innovation and clean energy development. "I believe that the decarbonization of the global economy is going to create the greatest investment opportunities of our lifetimes," he said in the letter.
As of September 31, 2021, Blackrock had US$509 billion of investments in sustainable business assets.. The manager, however, continues to invest in fossil fuel producing companies. According to Fink, decarbonization will not happen overnight, but we will go through dark shadows and green shadows in the process. "It's not possible or practical to turn off the tap on natural gas immediately,"he said. For Fink, any technology or policy that makes energy costs more expensive for the poorest and most vulnerable populations on the planet will only help generate polarization around climate changeand would be detrimental to progress.